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Hypnosis is a quick way to achieve a relaxed and focused state of consciousness similar to that experienced during meditation. Deep relaxation is healthy for the mind.

This altered and heightened state of awareness can also be used in several other ways to improve your quality of life. These are through the following:




Positive approaches such as visualisation and suggestion are very helpful for self-improvement.


However the most fundamental changes in life occur when you identify and modify a limiting thought or belief. If you look deeply and clearly at the root of a personal problem, you will nearly always find a limiting belief.


For example, people will often put up with second best in career or relationships because at a deep subconscious level, they believe that’s all they deserve. Talking about personal issues can be helpful but does not always lead to a solution. Deeper insights can be gained using altered states of consciousness achieved during hypnosis.


While deeply relaxed and focusing on a particular issue, a client may more easily find a lateral solution or a new insight to an old and persistent problem.


Hypnosis can provide a quick and cost effective way to resolve issues and get on with living a full, abundant and harmonious life.

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Improving Visualisation

While relaxing you are better able to visualise your goals. Success in career, relationships and sport are greatly enhanced when you are clear about what you want. 


Hypnotherapy is a very effective way to become more in touch and focused on your goals and to strengthen how you use positive imagery to gain confidence and control.


Hypnotherapy helps you focus on creating the life you desire.

Increasing Suggestibility

The relaxed state of consciousness and heightened awareness experienced during hypnosis is often associated with an increased level of suggestibility.


An experienced Hypnotist can use suggestion to provoke increased feelings of empowerment and control in situations which usually cause stress and nervousness, and to help you change unwanted thoughts and reactions you may have been unable to change on your own.


These unwanted habits could include smoking, eating junk food, blushing, lethargy and nail biting.


Positive suggestion can also be used to overcome many common fears such as flying, public speaking, exams, injections, spiders and even socialising. Sporting performance can also be improved using suggestion, especially with games that require concentration and focus such as golf.

Drug Free

It may surprise you to know that we all enter this state at least twice a day. These are the times just before you drift off into sleep at night and just before you re-awaken in the morning.


Explaining why Hypnosis is a perfectly normal and natural state of mind and confiming that all Hypnosis, is, Self Hypnosis!


Therefore: Achieving a hypnotic state is in the control of the individual wishing to be hypnotised! YES, Everyone has the talent for being hypnotised. Although a hypnotist may guide you into a state of trance and give you suggestions, you are always in control and have a choice as to whether you would like to follow the suggestions or not.


The term Hypnosis evokes many different responses from people of all walks of life and therefore there are many different misconceptions surrounding hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy can help you resolve the following and more...

  • Anxiousness

  • Assertiveness

  • Assist Healing

  • Bed Wetting

  • Breathing

  • Career Success

  • Change Habits

  • Pain Management

  • Communication

  • Concentration

  • Cravings

  • Creativity

  • Exams / Study

  • Exercise motivation

  • Fears

  • Forgiveness

  • Frustration

  • Guilt

  • Hair Twisting

  • Headaches

  • Habits

  • Improve Sales

  • Indecision

  • Inferiority

  • Inhibition

  • Insecurity

  • Insomnia

  • Memory

  • Motivation

  • Nail Biting

  • Overeating

  • Performance 

  • Phobias

  • Problem Solving

  • Procrastination

  • Public Speaking

  • Reach Goals

  • Relaxation

  • Responsibility

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Confidence

  • Self-Control

  • Self-Esteem

  • Self-Hypnosis

  • Self-Image

  • Self-Mastery

  • Stop Smoking

  • Sports Enhancement

  • Stress Management

  • Study Habits

  • Stuttering

  • Thumb Sucking

  • Weight Loss


Choose between Individual Sessions or One of our Life Changing Programs

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Get in Touch

Address. 23 Nantucket Close. Sunningdale. 7441. Cape Town.


Phone. +27 79 710 9715

© Mitchell V - Hypnotherapist - Executive & Life Coach

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